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Some Famous Mathematicians " | |
Pythagoras: - In the field of mathematics there are large number of mathematicians, out of which Pythagoras was well known mathematician. He was born near Greece, in the middle of ……ocean in Ireland nameds samos almost 580 years after crises. His parents were from taryan progeny. His teacher was one of the seven very famous scientist of Miletas resident of Theales. On his order Pythagoras spend beginning period of his life in Misar. He stayed there for almost 22 years and termed different science and mathematics deeply. After this he returned his country after spending 12 years in journey of Iran, Iraq and India. That time he was almost 50 years old. He did not stayed in samose. He left samose and went to south Italy and there he stayed in cretona town. There he was guest of a person named milo. There in age of 6 years he married to beautiful girl. Theona daughter of Milo. It is also said that Theona wrote a book on his husband’s life which is today not available..... After being settled in cretonne Pythagorus started giving lectures on mathematics. People of every category were use to come to listen his lecture. There ladies were banned to Listen public lectures but beside this large number of ladies came to listen his lectures. His lecturers were so effective that his listeners started an independent party. Those parties become famous by name of Pythagoras school. The party has its own principle…i.e. every body has equal right on all things of party and equality to express their philosophical views and perceptions... All members had to take the oath .that they will not share their confidential knowledge with other people. They also had a rule that every discovery or experiment will be associated with Pythagoras name. So Today its very difficult to classify the discoveries which he made himself and which were by his followers. The jyomiti ..which is used for teaching these days is based on elements of Euclid from same book theorem 47 is famous by name of Pythagoras theorem which says that hypotenuse square is equal to sum of base square and perpendicular square. In past time in India a special method is prepared of yug. Which had proper description of size etc. this method is found in …"Shalaysutra Granths". These Granths also have description of Pythagoras Theorem Along with this the relation of 32+42=52 is found with many other relations. These things prove that Pythagoras had visited India and studied Indian methods. Beside this Pythagoras also worked odd numbers. From that people start believing that odd number are lucky one and even are sign of bad luck there were also some strange believe about numbers. Number one is sign of thought, number two of conclusion for of justice and five of marriage. In the similar manner in jyamiti ,.one as point, two as line and three as level and four as symbol of solid some of these number are called triangle number eg. 3,6,10 are called triangle numbers. Sum of first two numbers 1+2 =3 is called first triangle. Sum of first three numbers 1+2+3=6 is second triangle and sum of first four numbers 1+2+3+4 =10 is third triangle number. Pythagoras school gave birth to many words like mathematics, Parabola, ellipse and hyperbola. The mathematics developed by Pythagoras and school establish by him has very important place in Greek mathematics. Many of his incubations are fully developed in today’s era. Euclid: - We don’t have proper dates for Euclid’s birth and death. But this is certainly sure that his birth time was about 300 bc...he took his basic education from Athens. He opened a school Skindriya in region of Tolami first ( ) It is said that once one of his students after recording first chapter of geometry said that what benefit of reading this is. Euclid said his servant to give that student 6 pent because he wants profit in everything. His best book is Elements which is published more than a thousand of times since 1882. The subject list of this book is given below. 1 Sawar samanta and samanta 2 Algebra and Sawarsamikaranaye and area 3 Circle 4 Antargat and Parigat bahubhuj 5 Ratio 6 Bahubujo ki samrupta 7 -9Airthmetic 10 Asumaya Rashiyan 11-13 Those Jayamiti 10 Beside this other books of Euclid are given below:- Data:- This book has 94 chapters. In this book the method of finding exact figures is given when some parts of figure are given. A Book on Division of Figure:- The subject of this book is that if the figures like triangle,rectangle, circle, etc. are given then how to divide these figures in two parts……….. Aryabhatt (First) :- He was born in patna near kusampur town in 476…..He wrote three Granths Dashgetika, Aryabhatiye and Tantre. Arybhatt is the most famous book out of these. There is also an astrologer of same name in 950 AD which wrote a book named "Mahasidhaant"..That’s why we call Aryabhatt as First. He wrote this Granth Aryabhattya in 499 in kusumpur district. This district is known as patna these days. The book Arya Bhattya has 121 shalika..which are divided into four parts…. 1)Geet Padika 2)Ganit Pad 3)Kaali Kriyapad 4) Golpaad Golpad is very small granth it has 11 shalokas In AryaBhattiya there are 121 shalok , which are divided in 4 parts:- 1 Geet Padika 2. Ganit Paad 3. Kali Kiryapaad 4. GoalPaad “Goal Pad” is very small book. In this there are total 11 shalok, but this all matter is stuff in which all “Surya Principle” are defined. In this Aryabhatt generate a new method to write in short the value this is represent by following shalok:- Ones, Hundred, ten thousand and 1 lac all odd number are known as varg and all even numbers like tens,thousand,lack all are known as avarg.Because squareroot of 1,100,100,000 is in real number but 20,1,000,10,00,000 square root not in real number. Arithmetic and Geometry Aryabhatt was the first mathematician who used arithmetic, algebra and Geometry in his astrology mathematician questions. He has divide many difficult questions in 30 shloks. One category of shlok carries 5 methods. Second Shlok is about decimal places. The next shloks are about area of square, area of , triangle, volume of cylinder, area of circle, to find distance with help of angles and all methods of finding area with help of length and breadth. It is describe at one place that the radius………………………………….is equal to cos theta . It is also given in one shlok that circumference of circle is 20000 then it will be 62,832. Using this we can find relation between………………. And circumference upto 4 decimal place. In next past method of drawing circle, triangle and rectangle was given method to find height of a cone and distance…………………. Basic rules of algebra are like (a+b)2 –(a2 + b2 )=2 a b and after calculating the multiplication of both the values and knowing the difference separately and making the different expressions as equal , in difference multiplication and division like things are given in 12 shloks, but like these days if it is written in one book it will become like a heavy Granth. In ‘AryaBhatya’ trigonometry is mentioned . Use of __ can be found in this granth only. Information about __ and __ is given in this ,in this granth for making a __ saarni two rules are given from which one is that-“ if we subtract it from its own division than we can find its other part. Any of it part can be found after we add the last differences and divide it , then subtract it from its first difference .like that we can find the difference Bhramgupt There were many Achryas for Bhramgupt mathematics. Famous mathematician Bhaskaracharya said him the specialist of mathematics He was born in inner Punjab at Bhilnalaka named place in yr. 598 A.C. his father’s name was Vishnugupta. They used to live at Chap Vanshi Raja,but according to the people there ,they used to live in Ujjain named place, and he worked there on Bharma Safut Sidhant in year 628A.C and on Khand Sadhak in year 665 ,he has also written a Granth named Dhyan Grahpradesh.Bhram Sidhant have 21 Adhyas, in which Chapters and other details are given .he has described about ankganit, algebra and coordinates in it .Bhramgupta has first described about square-root and also given about Vilomvidhi very nicely. Chapters of mathematics are in maths only. Where addition subtraction ______ are also there. From these area of the quadrant can be calculated as follows- Area of the quadrant= and if the sides are not equal and answers be X and Y then Other than that Bhramgupta has also given some other solutions which are given in three different ways Mahaveeracharya: - Like many other old scientist life history of Mahaveeracharya is also not very clearly available from many discoveries till now it can be belived that he was born in time of famous empire ammotrmn notion. He wrote many books which have their special place in mathematics and astrology. These books of Mahaveeracharya have very important place in Indian Mathematical area. The help and role of his books in mathemeitcs history was very much appraised by many philosophus and scientist . The famous hindi mathematician. Dr. Bibhutti bhushan datt wrote in one of his essay about Mahaveeracharya trianglae and rectangle related mathematics and he has discussed many of the specialities which are not found anywhere else. Similarly D.e. Smith wrote in his praise that trignometery geometery oral and practical questions shows that mahaviracharya, Bramhmgupt and Bhaskaracharya have some similarity in there concepts but mahaveeacharaya questions have more variateion and clearity. In praise of mathematics Mahaveeracharya wrote economics,singing dancing ayurvedic vastu shastra grammer geography astrology etc. and also for artistic work mathematics is very useful. To study motion of sun and planets and to know about country and time etc. mathematics is basic need. The number of Islands, mountains and their development is studied through mathematics. Those who live in this world, hell or heaven their category wise palace, meeting halls and temples are found with help of mathematics only. What is more to say than that in this whole universe whatever is present has its existence just because of mathematics? Mahaveeracharya has described all the eight signs plus, minus, division, multiplication, square, square root and cube root. He has also discussed his thoughts about zero and imaginative figures. In a book of mathematics up to 24 digit figures are given which are given name ones, tens, hundred, thousands, ten thousand, lakh, ten lakh, one crore, ten crore hundred crore, million, billion…etc. The method of Mahaveeracharya in …..Division is very good. The thought of LCM was first given by Mahaveeracharya. He also gave an method to solve …………equations. Quadratic equations are explained by practical equations. These questions are divided into two parts. First type of questions are those in which square root of a unknown number is given and second type is that in which square is unknown number given. He has given the method to change square to rectangle and rectangle to square.and in one part to change circle to square and square to circle. In that book many properties of triangles are also given. The method of finding area of triangle. Rectangle , parallogram,equilateral triangle square circle and pentagon is also given. Mahaveeracharya was the only Indian mathematician who did deep study of semicircle. The method of finding volume of cylinder given by Mahaveeracharya is very interesting. In ‘Ganit Sar Sangreh’ many principles regarding algebra are explained. In these there is simple interest, compound interest and calculate the time or there are many different related topics were given and rules of remainder regarding division, different rules are explained. This formula created by Mahaveecharaya . He was not the first mathematician of India but he was the First mathematician of World. Like this we can understand that Mahaveecharya gave valuable information to the world of mathematician. Shridharacharya Shridharacharya was acharya of Algebra, whose description was given at many plaves in algebra by Bhaskaracharaya. Shridharacharya belong to the Karnatak. Name of his mother was Akbhpha and his was Vasudev sharma. He had done practice of kannad and Sanskrit literature of his father. In starting he was a sherry but later he changed to jain. His time was considered to be the later half of 10th century. Name of his book is Trishitka whose one copy according to friend raja of Prof. Sudharask divedi is lying at state library. In this book there are 300 sholkes frome these slokes we will able to know that this summary of granth of Shridharacharya. This is the reference book of ‘Pati Ganit’ in which series behaviors and images behaviors are explained. According to Sudharak divedi , writer of ‘Naya Kandli’ is acharaya . This granth was written in 913 that is why shridhar achraya belongs to period of 913 that is why shrishar achraya belongs to period of 913 but in sar sangrah name book sentences of Shridharacharya are also mentioned which represents that shidhar came before mahaveeracharaya . Acoording to Dikshit period of Mahaveeracharya is around 775 whereas according to Dr. Singh it was around 850. Bhaskaracharya Second Bhaskaracharya was born on 1144 in vidar. Vidar Nagar is now a days in Hyderabad state. His father name was Maheshwar Bhatt. Maheswar Bhatt was also an astrologer of ved and shastar. He named his son according to his intelligence Bhaskaracharya. Bhaskaracharya read his father’s written granth but he was interested in Mathematics, He started working in Maths but he was developed in Astrology. Time period of Bhaskaracharya is know as “Vidhya Yug”. He wrote the principle of utpati but he was not successful now a days. He worte many granth but some of them are as follow:- 1)Sidhant Siromani 2) Karan Kothuhal 3) Samaye Sidhant Siromani 4) Goal Adayaeh Rasgun 5) Surya Sidhant. Sidanth siromani are divided in four parts and these are divided into different chapters. First One is Famous by the name of Lilawati or Pati Ganit.In this the questions are represent in the way of entertainment. Lilawati Granth was praise by praised by the person from the west. This granth was translated by faisi in French when akbar said that. Faisi had written that Lilawati was the daughter of Bhaskaracharya and the astrologer told that she would not had to marry but the calculation of Bhaskaracharya Lilawati’s appropriate marriage time was get. For the time information stable the nadika yantar. This is an aluminum utensil in the base there was hole.For getting the information of time the water was fill in the utensil through that hole. This method is used to caluculate the ancient calculation. Lilawati was passioinate about this when she look in that his pebble was drop in that utensil after that the water could not fill in that is the apporpriate marriage time of lilawati. Father and dautghter felt sad about that. Bhaskaracharya said to Lilawati “I will write the Granth would be famour by your name this is represent as another life of lilawati” According to some people lilawati was Bhaskaracharya wife because in some place she was refered her as friend. In every granth there are different references. Some people argument on this. There is suspense in naming of granth , where as the granth is interesting and easy. There are some of the example that shakes intelligence so that this is told , “The writing of Bhaskaracharya only Bhaskaracharya or saraswati or Bharma could understand not a person could understand. His Surya Sidant Ganit has importance for astrologers. Many intellectual has done Tika and translation in English. In the second part he defines about algebra positive and negative evaluttion, equations are defined. BhujMan was taken in the place of BhugYod define by practical example. A Mayur was sitting height of 9 hands above the hole he saw a snake there at the distance of 27 hands far which was coming, at what distance he saw the snake coming towards him? Like this same method area are define in detail. There are two positive points of Bhaskaracharya – He is from west and second he is hardworking and enthused. Western Intellectuals considered him best. Dr. SportWood write to Royal Society Journal “The principle of mathematical theory was written by Bhaskaracharya could be compare also with the most modern mathematics” Sir I Newton This great mathematician was born on 25 December in 1642 in village named blusthore of England. Newton’s father has died before his birth. Helpless mother of Newton remarried leaving his son with grand mother. Newton faced many follower to reach peak of success. He took his higher education from trinity college of Cambridge university During his period of education he wrote many books on mathematics which provide him mortality. Due to wide spread ……….in1665 the college was scaled and Newton;s education left incomplete. But he didn’t get despaired he return home and started working towards his goal (aim). One day he was sitting in the garden and saw an apple falling down on earth. He start thinking why this apple fall downwards not upwards. This is known as “Force of gravity”. Second law of Newton is a gift where difficult counting can be done easily. He has given equation of speed,things, rest and rules for calculating the speed. These worth’s has taken Newton the famous mathematician categories and due to this unmatchable ability he was elected as discover of Royal society. In this duration Newton published a book named ‘ Prashanshapya’ which has made him immortal in world of technology. Once he went out after keeping the important papers which were proof of his many years hard work. When candle was burning in night, Newton’s dog Diamond was sitting he jumbled in a hypnotized manner. And paper burn into ashes. As soon as Newton entered the room as saw this fail to notice happening he said the words (“You donot know diamond how much destruction have you made for me) We can judge how hardworking Newton was by these incidents. Once his friend stu le came to meet him, when stule saw Newton working he did not want to disturb him so, he ate all the food put on the table. When Newton felt hungry he saw all the bowls are empty he said “I thought I haven’t had my meals where as I already had that.” Newton never has any egos, to prove that few lines are written as follows I don’t know what the world think about me but I feel I m like a child who is sitting at on ocean and looking sipiya and gounge where as the unlimited ocean of realities are already discovered. Sir Einstein Newton was not only scientist and mathematic but he was also a social worker If we gave a thought that what if Newton would not been there on the earth what would happen? The whole human category might not been able to know the scientific methods therefore there was no doubts that Newton was a social reformer. Gaaush Karlar Fedric Gaaush was great mathematician born in Germany. His time period is 1777 to 1855. He was poor from preliminary. His father do labor work . His father has no talent. He also wanted that his son also do labor work but his mother and son has many future things. One day he asked Gaaush friend that when he was elder then what he will do. He friend Boliye answered ‘Great mathematician of Europe’ and his guess was right. His studies were done under the Price care taker. In early he spends his life with the tuitions. In 1870 there was one practical lab was established in gangitan, He was selected as Instructor and principle. Some of the incidence was presented here. When he was 3 year old his Father was doing Labor calculation. He was listening very carefully he said in between, “There is a mistake in calculation, rs are not this much. When his father calculate again the salary he found his son was right. He has given one question that is as:- 81297+81495+81693+……. +100 calculate the total. Those boys did not know about the parallel series. When the dictating of the question was done Gaush wrote the answer and place the writing book on the table where as other could not able to solve it even after one hour. Because of lack of knowledge first 100 places were to be written and then to evaluate it. Graush solved the answer correct from that day Butler was impressed and he brought the book of Algebra from his pocket for him. “When he was in university, then he plans “nuntam varg ka sidanth” in his mind. In those days he proved that “We can divide circle in 17 similar parts by the Euclid Method” His Granth was publish in 1801 on sankaya sidhanth. Then he wrote many on pure mathematics. He formulates Euclid Jayamiti. The research on these are so important for latest mathematics was so good that he was considered listed in the top three specilisation people. He did research in also joytisi, Chumbaktatv, viduth,bhumiti also. His famous book was ‘Diskvijishinish’. These had 7 parts. In first 3 parts is about the ‘Sansheshta Sidhant’ In 4th is vargath sidhanat. This book was publishing on 1801. Dr. Ganesh Parsad Dr. Ganesh Parsad was born on 15 nov 1876 in baliya. Ganesh parasad father and grand father was famous leader His grandfather’s father was also famous….. His studies start from Baliya district. He was in fifth standard in mathematics. He was hurted. He studies a lot and passes the entrance exams with first division. When he was 9 years old he was married with Nandkumari the daughter of Lawyer domen lal of Lodhipur district because he was from ……. He did M.A from Mayur Cental College. After completed M.A he started Doctorate from Prayaag University in Mathematics. He was the First of person who complete his Mathematics DNC . His great work was- Negotiation of Agra University. He was the member of Sement and many of communities. He went to communities with preparation. When he return from forigen he was elected as president of mayor central college of pryaag. He was very time punctual he used to go to college by two horse cart and if some day cart man did not come he go college by foot. On 9th march 1935 there was a meeting in Agra university at 11 O’clock For that he traveled on 8th night and reached there in morning. After having meal in Hotel he reached university at 10:45. There he spoke for a long time. He had to get permission for two student to sit in Then he needed to speak for election of same examiners. After all these he sit on chair and eveing nearly at 7:30 pm he died in Thomson hospital which is know as S.N. Hospital. Ramanujan :- Sri Niwas Ramanujan was born on 22 December 1887 in village Erode of TamilNaidu. His father was a resident of kumbh konam village and was an assistant cloth shop. It is usually said about Ramanujan that till after several years of marriage her mother had no child. And she was much tensed about that. Then Ramanujus’s grandfather prayed Naamgiri Devi in Naamkal village for her daughter Ramanujan was born by those blessings. When he was 5 years old, he joined in the school. After studying there for two years his school was changed. He was interested in study of mathematics. He used to ask his classmate and teachers about planets and other math related terms. One day when he was in 3rd standard, his teacher was teaching that if we divide a number by itself then divisor will be 1. Then Ramanujan immediately asked what the rule is true for zero value also. He studied three categories of algebra in 3rd standard which are taught in intermediate classes and these days. In fourth standard he completed Trigonometry and …………… fifth. In the age of 17 years he completed his high school examination with very good marks and for that he was awarded government scholarship. But when he was in first year of graduation he was so involved in mathematics that he last his interest in all other things. The result of which was that he failed in that class so his scholarship was withdrawn. So due to lack of financial support he left his university of education. These days he was much tensed due to his financial problems. In that period he got married. The problem increased after marriage so he starts searching job. After a long struggle he got a job in Madras Trust for 30 rupees per month. In mean time Dr. Walker was very impressed by his interest in mathematics. Due to his efforts Ramanujan got two years scholarship of Rs 75 per month from Madras University. Then he left his job and stat using whole time in study of mathematics. When he sends some of his notes to Dr. Harddy of Trinity College then Dr. Harddy and other mathematician was very impressed by that. In 1941 when Dr. Nobil of Trinity collagen came India then Dr. Harddy requested him to Ramanujan and takes him to Cambridge. When Dr. Nobil reached India he met Ramanujan accepted his proposal. For that Dr. Nobil paid him 250 pound scholarship and travel expenses are given . He gave 60 rs monthly to his mother and he depart with Dr. Nobil on 17th march 1847. He is being member of Royal Society on 20 February 1918. He …..was first Indian. 27 February 1919. He starts his journey from India on 27 Feb 1919 for London. The environment doesn’t suites him so he was ill. When he was ill he was taken to kandukodi. After that he was taken to Kumb Konam. His health was not good but his brain doesn’t stop working. Till death he did work. Every work was done on death bed. When he get serious taken him to Madras. He was expired on 26th April 1920 in Chetpur city of Madras. Dr. Prof. B. N. A Parasd He was born in Mohmdabad, Guhana, and District Adjamgarh UP. He did his primary studies from Mohmdabad , Allahabad and Siwan. He completed his higher studies from Patna College and Kashi hindu University further in guidance of Late E.C.Tipsinarsh RS he did research from Liverpool university in mathematics and he complete phd in 1931. In 1942 he obtained degree D.S.C. from Paris University There he assists Prof Ahuja in his work. Next Two years he worked under Prof. Parsad as assistant in Kashi University. He worked as Reader and Leader in Allahabad University and also he was leader of mathematics in Patna Science College. Prof. Parsad started invention in the field of mathematics under guidance of late Guru Ganesh parsad without bothering of his low salary. He started invention in fierier and ……………………He was highly acclaimed. For his knowledge in the field of…… Due To his calculation all mathematician were attracted towards him. After returning from foreign in 1932 Prof Parasad Students start reading on Mathematics was encouraged by him. 4 DSC and 10 D.Fil are prepared from these 14 theses. He was the member of National Science Institute and National Academy. He did lot of work for the different mathematics community. He was rewarded by National Congress Science mathematics and static’s department in 1945 and two times by General Secretary and Head of National of Geography Science Department in 1960. Many times he took the part in International Parties. He was the member of ShistMandal , who was honored by our Late President Dr. Radhakrishna. He had given many lectures in various University of Foreign and also taught them the rules about mathematics. He was selected by Vishva vidhalaya Anudan Aayog as member of Mathematics Revenue Comity He done lot of work in math’s , research and progress , help to India government for different ways for mathematics. He bought a lots of books from Aliabad Library and He establish Aliabad Mathematics Society, aim of this society is – Studies on high level maths and Progress in research department. He publishes the international magazine name ‘Indian German of Mathematics’.